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Who are the Europeans who use e-mail the most?

 Short answer: the nordic people. The less: south-eastern people.

With approximately 50% of the population using the Internet, in 2002 Sweden was the country with the best digitized communications. (For many European countries, data from 20 years ago is not available).

In 2022, the Nordic countries and the Netherlands have populations that use e-mail services in a proportion of over 90%. In the Balkans and in Romania, the lowest email usage rates are recorded, with almost half of the population not having/not using an email address.

Source of data: Eurostat

video: Email Pros and Cons

The rural population uses less the Internet in general and e-mail in particular. However, urban-rural differences are very small in countries with well-defined digital services and very large in countries where the population uses digital services less.


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