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EU: Activities in social networks, statistics by country and regions


Individuals - internet activities [ISOC_CI_AC_I__custom_6560047] - social networks activity

By Country - share of people that participate in social networks: creating user profile, posting messages or another activity on Facebook, Twitter etc.

Top 5 countries: Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Cyprus, Malta

Last 5 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia

By regions (NUTS2)

According to Eurostat, one of the most popular activities on the internet is participation in social networks, for example, using Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or Twitter. The propensity to make use of such services is closely linked to age. A much higher proportion of younger people use social networks on a regular basis, and young people are also more likely to be early adopters of new apps/services as they seek alternative ways of exchanging text, sound, images, video and other information.

In 2021, close to three fifths (57 %) of the EU’s population (aged 16–74 years) participated in social networks during the three months prior to the latest survey. The participation rate for youths aged 16–29 years (83 %) was almost four times as high as the corresponding rate for older people aged 65–74 years (23 %). During the most recent five-year period for which data are available, there was little or no change in the share of youths participating in social networks, as it appears to have already reached saturation; note the statistics presented do not provide a measure of the average time spent interacting with social networks. By contrast, the proportion of older people using social networks almost doubled during the same period.


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