Here is a table with the population change in Europe (1990-2023):
Population in 1990 (million)
Population in 2023 (million)
Change (million)
Percentage Change (%)]
Western Europe 375 420 45 12.00
Eastern Europe
(including Russia) 320 295 -25 -7.81
Northern Europe 80 88 8 10.00
Southern Europe 135 140 5 3.70
Overall, Western Europe experienced the most significant population growth of 45 million (12.00%) between 1990 and 2023. Eastern Europe (including Russia) witnessed a population decline of 25 million (-7.81%). Northern and Southern Europe observed moderate population growth of 8 million (10.00%) and 5 million (3.70%), respectively.
video: Anual population growth in Europe
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