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Political Groups in EU Parliament (1979-2024)


Political Groups in the European Parliament (1979-2024)

Since the first direct elections in 1979, the European Parliament has been dominated by three main political groups: the European People's Party (EPP), the Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and the liberals (ALDE, later Renew Europe).

The center-right EPP has consistently been the largest group, representing Christian democratic and conservative parties across Europe. The S&D, comprising social democratic parties, has typically been the second-largest group. The liberal ALDE (later Renew Europe) has often played a kingmaker role, aligning with either the EPP or S&D to form majorities.

Over time, smaller groups have gained prominence, reflecting the changing political landscape of Europe. The Greens/European Free Alliance has become increasingly influential, especially on environmental issues. Eurosceptic and nationalist groups have also grown, with the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) forming in 2009 and the Identity and Democracy (ID) group emerging in 2019.

Far-left groups have maintained a presence, evolving from the Communist and Allies Group to the current The Left in the European Parliament - GUE/NGL. On the far-right, various extremist parties have come and gone, with some joining larger Eurosceptic groups and others remaining non-attached.

Despite the rise of these smaller and more radical groups, the EPP, S&D, and Renew Europe have continued to hold the majority of seats and influence in the Parliament, often working together on key legislation and appointments.

This brief overview outlines the main political dynamics in the European Parliament over the past four decades. Would you like me to elaborate on any specific aspect or time period?



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