Starting with 2021, more than 4 out of 5 Europeans use the Internet daily or almost daily. The highest rates are in Holland and Nordic countries, who, by the way, were the first to adopt the Internet on a large scale. According with , „Individuals who used the internet, frequency of use and activities” DB on Eurostat, there are still major gaps between the regions, but, overall, the percent of people that use internet daily grew in entire EU. Note: all stats are in percent of population 16-74. Total usage of internet in 2006 by country (people 16-74 who accessed the internet at least once during the last year): Maps created by with MapChart, according with Eurostat data In 2006, the only country where total internet usage was under 25% of target population (16-74) was Romania. But in the vast majority of EU states, internet usage (yearly) was around 50%. As for daily usage, obviously, the figures was lower. D...
Aproape jumătate din electricitatea Europei este verde. România – peste
media europeană
Iată și o statistică Eurostat (pe o temă cu adevărat relevantă), unde
România nu e la coada listei, ci la jumătatea ei (chiar puțin peste medie).
Astăzi, î...