Spotify’s catalog contains millions of tracks, but the distribution of streams is shockingly unequal. Let’s break it down: Top-Tier Songs (Billion+ Streams): • Only 33 songs have surpassed 1 billion streams—a minuscule fraction of the catalog. High-Level Streaming (100M - 1B Streams): • 4,800 songs fall into this category. Moderate-Level Streaming (10M - 100M Streams): • 60,000 songs have achieved between 10 million and 100 million streams. Low to Moderate Streaming (1M - 10M Streams): • 427,700 songs garner between 1 million and 10 million streams. Mid-Lower Tier (100K - 1M Streams): • 2.1 million songs fall into this range. Lower Tier (1K - 100K Streams): • 24.1 million songs receive between 1,000 and 100,000 streams. Very Low Tier (101 - 1K Streams): • 34.6 million songs are in this range. Barely Played (11 - 100 Streams): • 47.7 million songs receive between 11 and 100 streams. Unplayed or Almost Unplayed (0 - 10 Streams): • A staggering 93.2 million songs have 10 or fewer str...
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