Inscop Research conducted research on the musical preferences of Romanians in 2013 and 2023. At European level, the most recent data on musical tastes were published by Eurostat in a barometer from 2002. Later, Eurostat data no longer included research on preferred genres, but only indices of consumption and participation in music events, downloads, streaming, other forms of music consumption in public or private space. Several research institutes in several European countries have published more recent studies, but these are not carried out at European level, but only in a few countries, or do not include all the phenomena related to music consumption, but only some of its aspects (e.g. consumption online, where studies indicate the emergence of an omnivorous public, represented especially by young people, who consume all genres of music, without having clear preferences). Note: The categories tested in the studies carried out in Romania are only partially consistent with those ...
Aproape jumătate din electricitatea Europei este verde. România – peste
media europeană
Iată și o statistică Eurostat (pe o temă cu adevărat relevantă), unde
România nu e la coada listei, ci la jumătatea ei (chiar puțin peste medie).
Astăzi, î...